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Urban Combat Testbed (UCT) UCT is a high-fidelity MOUT simulation built on top of the commercial, open sourced Quake 3 Arena first-person shooter (FPS) game engine. UCT provides a high-bandwidth interface for computer-based agents to perceive the environment and execute actions in real time. UCT also provides a standard FPS graphics interface for human agents to play the various scenarios defined for UCT. In either case, the perceptual and command execution information is logged in enough detail to replay the game, although the main intended use for this logged information is the behavioral analysis of both the human and computer players. The UCT has already been successfully applied within the DARPA Transfer Learning program (DARPA BAA 05-29). In this ongoing project, we have defined numerous scenarios in which the human/computer agent must find and defuse an IED. For example, Figure 1 shows an overhead view of one scenario in which the IED is hidden in a small courtyard of an apartment building. Figure 2 shows a more precise location of the IED, and Figure 3 shows the model of the IED itself. In addition to supporting the integration and evaluation of AI systems to execute these scenarios, we have also performed human trials on the scenarios to assess human performance and compare it to that of the computer-based players.